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A small victory depends on wisdom, and a great victory lies in virtue. Only by virtue first can there be a real victory. Virtue is the foundation, wealth is the end, outside the foundation and inside the end. It is for the people to seize. Therefore, if wealth is gathered, the people will disperse, and if wealth is scattered, the people will gather. It is the one who goes against the old words and goes against the old words; If goods go against the rules, they also go against the rules.

Relying on agent sales, taking root in the forefront of the market and cooperating with the adjustment of the company's marketing department, Shenzhen implements the mode of "unification, standardization and specialization" with domestic and foreign countries, realizes "manufacturing in Shenzhen, sales in various countries and local service", creates a "Zhiyuan Global Translation core customer system", and realizes the common "comprehensive sales" between Shenzhen and domestic and foreign countries, So as to lay a preliminary foundation for realizing the "most valuable enterprise" in the first stage of the company's software goal.


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